Types of Membership
ACTIVE - $150
Active members of the Section shall be active members of the AANS or CNS who have demonstrated a special interest in tumors of the nervous system. Active members receive free online access to JNO and the print version for a nominal additional fee of $50, discounted registration at Tumor-section related meetings and access to the members-only sections of the website.
Honorary membership may be granted to certain non-neurosurgeons chosen from recognized leaders in the field of neurological sciences. They may serve on committees but may not vote or hold office. They are absolved from dues and need not attend the Annual Meeting of the AANS or CNS. They must be sponsored by two active members, approved by the Executive Committee of the Section and accepted by a majority of active members voting at a meeting. Honorary membership in the Section must not be construed as membership in either the AANS or the CNS. This category is limited to a maximum of 10% of the total active membership.
Associate membership shall include senior members of the CNS as well as associate, lifetime, and senior members of the AANS. Associate members will be able to attend general functions of the Section and to serve on committees. They will not be required to pay dues and may not hold office or vote in general elections.
Adjunct membership will be granted to non-neurosurgeons who, by reason of special knowledge or expertise, would significantly contribute to the function of the Section. An adjunct member must be sponsored by two active members and must be approved by two-thirds of the Executive Committee and by a simple majority of the Section membership. Adjunct members will be assessed one-half of the annual active membership dues and will receive all benefits of membership except that they may not vote or hold office. Adjunct membership in the Section must not be construed as membership in either the AANS or the CNS. The Executive Committee will regularly review the status of adjunct members and can terminate a member by a two-thirds vote.
International membership will be available to international members of the CNS and corresponding members to the AANS. International members will be assessed the full annual active membership dues and will receive all benefits of membership except that they may not vote or hold office.
Resident membership may be granted to neurosurgical residents who are in good standing in an approved residency training program and who are either Candidate members of the AANS or Resident members of the CNS. A letter from the program director should accompany the membership application with information regarding the probable date of completion of residency training. Resident members will not be required to pay dues, may serve on committees, but will not hold office. Resident members will be considered for active membership after completion of residency training according to the requirements of active membership. Extension of membership in the Resident category may continue under circumstances of further fellowship training following receipt of a written request to the Membership Chairman and approval by the Executive Committee.