Support Philanthropic Efforts of the Tumor Section
Donations to the Neurosurgery Research and Education Foundation (NREF) on behalf of Tumor Section funds encourage the next generation of researchers and breakthroughs. Your contribution funds research fellowships, grants and awards.
Thank you for your investment in advancing treatment of nervous system tumors.
Honor Your Neurosurgical Mentor
By donating to a specific Honor Your Mentor fund, you determine how your donation can be used.
Andrew T. Parsa Fund Supports a fellowship or research grant for brain tumor research in Dr. Parsa’s name. |
Charles B. Wilson Fund Funds brain tumor research. |
Hoi Sang U Fund Supports research into the molecular mechanisms of neurosurgical diseases, with a focus on neurotrauma, neuro-oncology or aging. |
James T. Rutka Fund Supports the Tumor Section in their area of greatest need. |
L. Dade Lunsford Fund Provides an annual award at both CNS and AANS meetings for the best radiosurgery abstract scored. |
Raymond Sawaya Fund Provides an annual award for the most successful Neurosurgical Oncology Fellow. |