This is an overview of Events for AANS CNS
First, you can see on our calendar that all events are linked with an event type. Each event type is a different color to differentiate different types of events and groups.
AANS CNS may use these do separate out conferences from holiday partys and so forth.
Here is a link to your event calendar.
Here is a screenshot of current event types.
1. To ADD an event you can hover over the blue menu bar at the top of the browser. You will see this bar when you are logged in as an administrator. Hover over CONTENT, then down to EVENTS.
Click the Green + symbol to the right of the word EVENTS to add a new one.
Among the options on the event page (under the EVENTS white tab) is the option to ad another event type.
2. To populate your event, simply fill out as many fields as are needed or available.
Title, descriptions, location, etc. Filling in the address will populate a google map on the acutal event page when you are done.